03821752395 info@ub-careitaly.it


After the first years of activity carried out at the laboratories of the University of Pavia, UB-CARE has made a first but fundamental step that demonstrates how a young university spin-off can, over the years, turn into a solid and competitive reality.

The creation of its own laboratories, maintaining the spin-off characteristic of the University of Pavia and the academic derivation that distinguishes the company, has made it possible to reorganize the spaces and laboratory activities. Therefore, it was possible to increase the number of staff creating a highly qualified and diversified team in science and R&D. The reached results can be spent on publications in targeted peer-reviewed scientific journals

The new operating area is organized in:


The Microbiology Division is located inside a CLEAN ROOM, a room with a controlled atmosphere (atmospheric pressure, humidity and particle pollution), which allows a full control of the sterility of the environment.

The main activities consist in the analysis of safety and efficacy of finished products, in accordance with current legislative regulations and through internal protocols.

In the microbiology laboratory, total aerobic, anaerobic, yeast and molds count, pathogen detection, assessments of the effectiveness of the preservative system and anti-bacterial activity, sterility and Bioburden tests are carried out.


The Cell Biology and Toxicology Division is located inside a CLEAN ROOM and is dedicated to the development of new analytical methods involving a wide range of cell cultures of human and animal origin, including 3D models.

The main activities consist in the evaluation of synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins (collagen, elastin, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid), molecular mechanisms related to skin aging, pathways related to oxidative stress and tissue regeneration. The activities are carried out on monolayer cultures and 3D in vitro reconstructed skin models.


The Molecular Biology Division is dedicated to the development and execution of innovative enzyme and molecular immunoassays for an in-depth assessment of the effectiveness of the tested products.

In this laboratory, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, luminometry and fluorimetry tests are performed for the evaluation of molecular pathways involved in the efficacy and biocompatibility of raw materials and finished products.


In the Biochemistry laboratory, chemical, physical and biochemical tests are performed in order to evaluate the structural and efficiency properties of molecules and enzymes, such as products containing hyaluronic acid.


In the Clinical Division, safety and efficacy assessments of finished products are performed on healthy volunteers in compliance with international guidelines and ethical principles established by the Helsinki Declaration. The studies are performed by qualified technicians under the supervision of specialized doctors.

The range of tests that can be performed related to the specific claim are many, from anti-aging serums to anti-acne products. Also in this case, the experimental protocol is created specifically for the customer.

The UB-CARE staff is available to carefully discuss each request